We are pleased to provide an update on Avalon Minor Hockey Association’s Growth Committee.

One of the recommendations and action items that emerged from AMHA meetings (October 3 Annual General Meeting and October 18 follow-up) was the formation of a committee comprised of AMHA Executive and member parents. Avalon’s Growth Committee was appointed and held an introductory meeting on December 13 2023.

Based on member feedback, the Committee’s mandate is to address challenges facing the Avalon Celtics and develop strategies for growing our membership. The Growth Committee members are;

Avalon parent representatives;
Mark Carew
Adam Manning

Avalon Executive;
Michael Holden – VP Operations
Laura Martin-Cahill – VP Recreational Hockey
Mark Sexton – President

The Committee is reviewing all options available to ensure the continued development and success of our players in all divisions. The Committee will next meet on January 22, 2024 and will report updates and progress via our website and Twitter channel.