U11 Girls Registration/Pre-Season Camp/All Star Tryouts
U11 Girls Registration
We are aiming to have enough girls for participation in the Girls U11 Metro League this season. All 2013-2014 Girls are asked to register at their earliest convenience.
Please Register Under U11 Minor. You will then need to re-click the registration form link and register for U11 Girls Metro League Team. Details/Cost are still being finalized along with the exact layout for the season. The current plan is to have the U11 girls participate in our regular minor program along with the Girls U11 Metro League (Games only, once per week). This is still subject to change and HNL approval.
Pre-Season Camp
Anyone interested in participating in Pre-Season Camp should register by end of day, Thursday, September 7. We are waiting on numbers to confirm the schedule. There is still room in all camps except U9. For players participating in AA or AAA tryouts, please contact Justin Clark, jclark@avalonceltics.com if you are interested in participating. Pre-season camps will start on Friday, September 15 (for some groups) and continue until September 24.
All Star Tryouts
All players planning to participate in All Star tryouts are asked to register as soon as possible so that schedules can be finalized. It is important for players trying out for AA and AAA to register immediately, if they are released from these tryouts.
Tentative dates: (Subject to change)
U11 – September 24-October 2
U13 – September 25-October 5
U15 – October 1 – 10