Avalon Celtics U18 All NL Teams Announced
Here are the 2022 Avalon Celtics U18 A and B teams that will be competing in this years All NL tournaments. The A team
U18 A
Jacob Skinner
Andrew Quinlan
Emmitt Cochran
Ryan Holwell
Jacob McGrath
Luke Sullivan
Josh Meade
Ben Roberts
Nathan Ollerhead
Stephen Colford
Thomas Jackman
Charlie Thoms
Sam Pearce
Owen McGrath
Samson Argentino
Thomas Avery
Ben Barnes
Gavin Murphy
Kade Kingsley
Paul McGrath
Glenn Sullivan
U18 B
Jonathan Whitten
Seb Milord
Dylan Levandier
Eric Butt
Connor Sullivan
Evan Boland
Liam King
Aaron Piercey
Jesse Vinicombe
Sam White
Peter Whelan
Oliver Manning
Matias Beresford
Eric Butt
Matthew Kane
Tyler Hayley
Connor Pearce
Hunter Dalley
Ron Whitten
Alex Kane