Avalon Celtics U15 and U13 C Teams Announced. Info Regarding U18 and U11 Posted Here Also!
The Avalon Minor Hockey Association is pleased to announce the following players have been selected to play for the Celtics 2022 All NL U13 and U15 ‘C’ Teams.
Gavin O’Brien
Aiden Smith
Lucca Kelly
Cooper Osmond
Aiden Benson
Ciara Griffiths
Adam McDonald
Jaxon Roach
Jack Tilley
Peter Doyle
John Doyle
Logan Lake
Jacob Wall
Solomon Barrett
Gabriel Shik
James Walsh
Nicholas Hounsell
Henry Pearce
Raj Sanchetti
Coaches – Chris Smith and Mike Doyle
Luke Pearcey
Jack Drover
Kyle Dobbin
Tanner Newman
Lochlan Colbert
Seth Hyde
Peter Lush
Ben Matthews
Gavin Matthews
Declan Flanagan
Brady Coombs
Ryan Coffin
Zach Bourgeios
Jack Thoms
Gavin Kearley
Hunter Lambert
Sam Beckett
Michael Healey
Coaches – John Colbert and Dale Kearley
Evaluations are still taking place for U11 and U18 teams during regular IHL and U18 play. These teams will be announced next week.