Avalon Celtics U11 All Star Try Out ‘A Pool Selections’ Announced
The following players have been selected to play for the Avalon Celtics in the upcoming Paradise U11 tournament this weekend. This weekends event will be used to make the final selections for the players for the Celtics U11 A team. There will be a very important meeting for parents of players selected for this group on Thursday Oct.7, 6:00 at the Glendenning Golf Club on Gabriel Road in Southlands. At least one parent/guardian per player needs to attend.
Any players not listed below will skate again next week on Monday Oct.11 at 7:00 and Wednesday Oct.13 at 6:30. A decision will be made by this date on a Celtics ‘U-11 B’ Team.
Nolan Fitzgerald
Jack Wheeler
Hunter Ryan
Simon Hubley
Maxim Kean
Oscar Lank
Tom Clarke
Nathan Stanley
Graeme Tessier
Liam Genge
William Hickey
Charlie Doyle
Ryan Pickett
Declan Carroll
Cameron Currie
Davis Koren
Rex McGuire
Jack Bursey
Liam Patey
Alexander Yang
Nathan Cahill
Isaac Bain
Here is the schedule for the games this upcoming weekend at Paradise..
Friday – 8:00 vs CBR
Saturday – 2:00 vs Mt.Pearl
Saturday – 6:00 vs Goulds
Sunday – 9:00 vs Northeast
Sunday – 5:00 vs Paradise