In addition to the correspondence sent on Friday April 9 regarding spectators, we provide the following for further clarification!!
The Hockey NL Return to Play plan has been approved by Public Health authorities and Avalon Minor Hockey is moving forward into Phase 2 of the plan. This means commencing Saturday April 10 we can return to playing games which will allow us to start our playoffs as we finish out the hockey season.
While this is indeed very positive news, it is important that all parents/guardians be aware that under the current Public Health guidelines, spectators will not be permitted in the rink unless a child requires assistance. The need for such assistance, and support from a parent/guardian would be expected at the younger age divisions including U7, U9, and U11. In these divisions, One parent/guardian per child can assist, and if required, can stay for the duration of the practice or game. If assistance is not required by your child, please refrain from accompanying them into the rink.
In the older divisions it is not anticipated that assistance would be required and therefore no spectators are permitted at this time. If a player in these older divisions requires assistance, please contact Steve Power at the minor hockey office prior to coming to the rink. This can be done by e-mail or telephone. E-mail info@avalonceltics.com or telephone 383-1108. Otherwise, in the interest of public health and safety, we respectfully request that parents/guardians and other spectators refrain from entering the rink at this time. If the Public Health guidance is revised we will adjust our policy accordingly.