Greetings #CelticsHockeyNation
This News Post is a copy of the email sent to all members February 11 2021


**IMPORTANT** Public Health Update

February 11 2021

Good day AMHA Members,

We are sharing a link to a very important press release that contains the latest public health advisory that will impact some of our teams.

Please read the release here;

We urge all members to pay particular attention to this excerpt contained in the release;

Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the investigation in the metro area and the ongoing detection of new cases among students in Grades 7-12 and their contacts, Public Health is advising anyone who participated in the following events on the specified dates and times listed below to self-isolate for 14 days.

  • Students in Grades 7-12 and other individuals who attended parties or gatherings of 10 or more people with these students in the metro area on February 5-7;
  • Students in Grades 7-12 and other individuals who played team sports with students in the metro area on February 5-7, which includes individuals who live outside of the metro area who played on the same or opposing teams or played in a tournament; and,
  • Individuals who coached or assisted with team sports in Grades 7-12 who played games or practiced in the metro area on February 5-7.

We appreciate this impacts a significant number of our teams that were on the ice during this period.  We interpret the public health advisory as relating to players, coaches, managers, or any other individuals that were in close contact with the players during the on ice session.

If you have additional questions on interpreting the press release we recommend calling 811 and discuss with public health officials.

Our Executive are closely monitoring information from public health and will update our members as new information becomes available.  Please disregard any TeamSnap notification of practices or games until further notice.  We do recommend active Team Chat in the app to stay in touch with your group and support one another in #CelticsHockeyNation.

Please be vigilant in following all public health guidance and stay safe Celtics!