**IMPORTANT** HNL / CMO Update February 11 / 21
February 11 2021
9:40 PM
HNL provides updated information and interpretation of CMOH press release
Hockey Newfoundland & Labrador has provided its member associations an expanded interpretation of today’s public health press release. Thank you HNL!
There is substantially more detail in this document and AMHA strongly encourages all member families to read the document thoroughly and follow all guidance and orders as it relates to your family situation. HNL’s document is here;
The situation facing our region and province is rapidly evolving and we urge #CelticsHockeyNation to do our part and absorb all the material and follow guidance. If everyone works together, follows public health guidance, and put out our best D we will once again rise above COVID – 19!! TeamSnap is your friend in times like this as you have an excellent tool to chat among your fellow Celtics to stay in touch and support each other.
Stay well.