AMHA Programs – Additional Information & Try Out Dates
September 30 2020
AMHA is pleased to provide additional detail on our programs and upcoming important deadline dates
Fall Chill
Times and groups for Fall Chill sessions will be posted on the Celtics website by Thursday October 1.
These sessions will begin the week on October 5th. Each group will get a total of three hours ice time ($60 fee) and players participating will be evaluated for recreational cohorts for the upcoming season. U11 Fall Chill is now sold out. If you have already registered a player in u9, U13, U15, or U18 and want to add Fall Chill, please email Steve Power, Technical Director, and indicate player full name and division. Fall Chill will be added to your account and can be paid by credit card online in TeamSnap Dashboard.
Representative / All Star
All star try outs will begin the week of October 12 for the U11, U13, and U15 divisions.
There is no All star for U18. Competitive hockey at that level is offered through High Schools and the Doug Marshall Hockey League.
The All star teams will be Two Line based with up to 11 skaters and 2 goaltenders maximum per team. All Star teams will play one game per week in the DJHL and will practice one and a half hours per week.
Recreational Hockey
The recreational program will begin for all divisions beginning the weekend of October 17.
This will be from Learn to Play all the way up to U-18. Learn to Play is thirty minutes on ice, the U9 (Novice) groups will have one 75 minute session per week while the other age groups will have one 90 minute session per week. These sessions will be skills only for the first few weeks while eventually they will morph into a combination of skills and games for the rest of the season. We are still looking at the make up of the various age groups in regards to cohorts and possible inter association play
Please check our Web site frequently for additional updates and email Steve Power, Technical Director, with inquiries.
See you at the rink!