The Hockey NL Social
April 24 2020
Greetings to all in #CelticsHockeyNation. We hope everyone is staying safe and managing through these challenging times.
We are pleased to share the below message received from HNL. We encourage all teams to take part!
The Hockey NL Social
With the Covid-19 Pandemic putting an end to the 2019-20 hockey season many teams across Newfoundland and Labrador were unable to finish their season, hold year end parties or get togethers or attend the 2020 Provincials.
To make up for missing the chance to wrap up the 2019-20 season in a normal fashion and not being able to have any in-person celebrations during these times, Hockey NL is inviting all minor and female hockey teams to take part in the province wide Hockey NL Social night. This will give everyone a chance to celebrate the fun and exciting times as well as share memories from the past season. This will take place using video conferencing applications such as Facetime, Zoom, Skype, etc. to replace the inability to gather as groups during this time.
This coming weekend, Friday May 1st and Saturday May 2nd, we challenge teams across Newfoundland and Labrador to organize a video conference. We would like to see all Hockey NL teams, both minor and female, to celebrate the 2019-20 season. We encourage you to share stories, memories or simply just enjoy each other’s time during the limited social interaction restrictions. This would be a great opportunity for teams to do team awards or recognize graduating players who are moving on to another level or who are finishing minor hockey.
The reason for the Hockey NL Social is to get teams together to have fun, share memories but also an opportunity to see friends and teammates you have not had a chance to see during this time. Some options we encourage:
- Wear your jersey from the 2019-20 season if you still have them. If not, wear some clothing from your minor hockey or even support your favorite hockey team.
- Watch some games from this past season if you have them.
- Team watch party of an NHL game or classic hockey movie.
- Play a game as a team (ex: Heads up, Trivia Night, Pictionary etc.)
- Send messages to other teams or those working during these times.
During the Hockey NL Social we ask teams to share videos or pictures of their video conference via social media on Twitter using the hashtag #HockeyNLSocial and #MakeHockeyMore as well as tag Hockey NL @HkyNL. Over the 2 days our goal is to flood our social media account with our minor and female teams video conferences and sharing your fun with everyone else around us.
We look forward to sharing this time with all our teams and look forward to seeing teams participate in the Hockey NL Social and celebrating the 2019-20 season.
Please Note: We recommend these video conferences to be organized by team parents or managers. We want to celebrate all minor and female teams (ages 5-17).
Any questions on rules please see the HOCKEY NL: Social Media Policy.
Thank You
Hockey NL
32 Queensway
P.O. Box 176
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
A2A 2J4
Office: 709-489-5512
Fax: 709-489-2273
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