Here are the players that have signed up for the Avalon Celtics Atom All NL team.

Cooper Osmond

Aiden Benson

Jack Tilley

Sara Quinlan

George Parmiter

Eloise Lush

Ryan Pearcey

Thomas Webb

Adam McDonald

Jaxon Roach

Liam Hedderson

Myles McFadyen

James Tobin

EJ Rogers

Logan Lake

Avaiah Churchill

Andy Milord

John Doyle

Peter Doyle

Gavin Walsh

Jacob Wall

Caitlin Long

Duncan Coldwell

Soloman Barrett

Gavin O’Brien

Kohen Pickett-Hackett

Joshua Adams

There will be a try out session on Saturday January 4th at 6:00 PM in the Yetman Arena.

Evaluations have been ongoing through the Celtics Xmas tournament and will possibly continue over the next few weeks during IHL practice and or games as well. There will be fifteen skaters and two goaltenders selected for this team.