AMHA Adopts New Electronic, Wireless and Mobile Devices in Locker Rooms Policy
October 3, 2019
AMHA Adopts New Electronic, Wireless and Mobile Devices in Locker Rooms Policy
The below policy has been adopted by the AMHA Executive and is effective immediately. We will be adding this policy to our web site as a stand alone document as well as incorporating it into the Player-Parent Agreement document
The Avalon Minor Hockey Association (AMHA) recognizes and appreciates the prevalence and use of electronic and wireless devices amongst our stakeholders. AMHA also respects the privacy rights all Association staff, volunteers, players and parents while using locker room, change areas or similar spaces at a Facility.
For the purpose of this Electronic, Wireless and Mobile Devices in Locker Rooms Policy, the policy will encompass all electronic and wireless devices including but not limited to computers, laptops, tablets, notebooks, cellular phones, smartphones, personal digital assistants (PDA’s), iPhones, iPads, iPods and any other electronic device with recording capabilities, which includes voice, still pictures and video.
Electronic, wireless and mobile devices with recording capabilities, increase the risk for some forms of abuse or misconduct. As a result, the use of any device in the locker rooms, changing areas, or similar spaces at a Facility is prohibited. If phones or other electronic, wireless or mobile devices must be used, they should be taken outside the locker room, changing area or similar space.
Pictures for media, team celebrations and individual recognition should be taken outside the dressing room. Any exceptions to this must be approved by the AMHA Executive Director. Use of electronic devices by coaching staff for the purpose of illustration and instruction may be permitted however, permission must be obtained from the AMHA Executive Director prior to use.
The AMHA will investigate reported violation(s) of this policy. If the investigation determines that a violation has occurred, AMHA Board and where appropriate in consultation with the Team, other Associations, Leagues, and/or Hockey Newfoundland, will impose an appropriate disciplinary action.
Any appeal of the disciplinary action will be dealt with as set out in Hockey NL’s Handbook/Guidelines.