News Item Re-posted by AMHA


AAA Tryout Information

All players interested in being considered for AAA in the Eastern Zone should have indicated their interest when they registered for the DJHL tryouts.  The AAA coaches will evaluate players who have indicated an interest in playing AAA during the final phase of the AA/A DJHL tryouts for both the peewee and bantam divisions.  The coaches will then invite back a minimum of 30 players for the final phase of the AAA selection process.  

This process eliminates the need for a full tryout process immediately following an intensive DJHL tryout process.  It saves on the cost of 3 hours of ice time for the AAA selection process and eliminates duplication in the tryout process. 

The four AAA coaches will schedule ice time for phase two of the AAA selection process.  Those times will be published to the AAA website and will also be emailed out with the invitations to phase two for those selected to continue with the AAA team selection.

There will be an information session regarding the AAA format for the upcoming season during the week of September 23-27th.  By that time the dates and locations of all tournaments should be finalized.  The exact time and location of that meeting will be announced in the coming days.  Stay tuned.


Gonzo Bennett

Eastern Director, HNL